herbs associated with medusa

herbs associated with medusa

In the British writer Iris Murdochs novel A Severed Head (1961), the heroine is a Medusa figure. You may choose to forego this step but I do so out of respect for Medusa, that She isnt treated as harmless, or unfrightening. This powerful Goddess is one of the most recognizable apotropaic symbols of the ancient and modern world. The Roman version of her story is the same but changes the location to Minervas temple and her partner to Neptune. Medusa by Caravaggio has its base in the form of a shield. Reflect and meditate on what the actions and outcomes of these stories mean to you. From then on, men would fear the very sight of her, and Medusa would be protected from the unwanted touch of them. Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal; hence her slayer, Perseus, was able to kill her by cutting off her head. The two quickly fell in love and married. As a result, she was bound to spend six months of the year there rather than ever returning to Olympus full time. Corrections? Perseus stayed in Ethiopia where he met Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia. Myrrha went to him and slept with him, and became pregnant. Medusa is now accepted as a symbol of female empowerment, divine rage, and justice. But in later stories in Metamorphoses when Ovid mentions Medusa, She and Neptune have a more seductive relationship as we see in Book VI when he is telling the story of Arakhne. The herald of the gods, Hermes, was born of the eldest Pleiad nymph Maia and Zeus, king of the gods. As such, her realm covers all water-related magic, sea and storm witches, sailors, and the like. Several regions also depict her on their flags and emblems. A magazine from 1986 also used this idea and claimed that feminists could learn how to channel their rage through her story. I highly recommend inviting Medusa into your practice if you find yourself in need of some of the strongest protective energies the Inferno has to offer. One of the most well-known stories is that of Eriss apple, the apple of discord. Medusa herself had a chilling face topped with serpents that sprang from her hair. Even though not apparent signs I am very drawn to HER IMAGE AND POWERS. Born to the sea god Phorcys and Ceto (Phorcys wife and sister), Medusa (queen or ruler) was one of the three Gorgon sisters. This flowering herb was said to grow in the Asphodel Meadows in the Underworld. Although beautiful, and it may work for some, I prefer a more snake heavy idol unless the imagery makes up for it with an extremely expressive face and eyes. You may also feel controlled in a more mental or emotional way (rather than physical) and seek your independence. Legend says while she was there baby snakes dropped from her head and this is why there are plenty of snakes in Africa. Unlike other stories that claim she caught them in the throes of passion, this version says that she was upset that her priestess went against her rules. Sacred Animals: This Goddess often transformed into a white sow to address her people. Uma Thurman took on the film role and was in a pivotal scene. A loving priestess to his sister Athena, Poseidon sought the goddess Medusa while she was praying in Athenas temple and violated her. They believe that there were events the occurred and that the Greeks simply created a new version of the event. If its mouth is open, place the lodestone in the mouth, if not put it next to it. Beth Seeling took a different approach to the Greek legend. Her rage is unmet, and her ferocity is as deep and as strong as the seas. The idea of encountering her was terrifying to the likes of men, for a single glance from her wide, yellow eyes would turn one to stone in an instant. 3. When it comes to the body of Medusa there are two kinds available on the market, one with the body and legs of a woman, the other the torso of a woman and the tail of a snake. 1. This means that She is not the beheaded Medusa, but restored after the event as a Great Mother akin to Kybele. He eventually judged Aphrodite as the fairest. Be sure to keep a lookout for signs and symbols of the gorgon in the days thereafter, as she may approach you in subtle ways. A powerful figure commanding respect in times of adversity, the gorgon is not an entity to be trifled with. Shes definitely a deity who can teach you how to stick up for yourself and fight back! This may not ring a bell to you, but lets just say its the guy that wanted to marry Perseus mother. She further claimed that the womans head simply served as a mask for those who later wielded it. Michelangelo and Picasso are just two of the famous artists who created work based on her. Your email address will not be published. Many of the women only knew her as a monster and not what she looked like before. Sculpt a statue of Medusa for your altar. She claimed that Medusa was the ultimate guardian and protectress of women. Ask for this goddesss guidance when you need strong feminine power and the innately intuitive energy of water in your rituals. Medusa was often depicted as a terrifying winged female with snakes instead of hair. Their bodies are covered in scales and they have large, round heads with snakes sprouting from them instead of hair. You are free to take from it as you please, use all, part, or none of it, or even use it to inspire your own practice. 4. She will wait until you recognize the signs, so dont worry about missing these indicators. In her form of Nemesis, Aphrodite punished him by cursing him so that he would fall in love with his own reflection. From Athena to Zeus: Basics of Greek Mythology, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Medusa-Greek-mythology, Ancient Origins - The Real Story of Medusa: Protective Powers from a Snake-Haired Gorgon, Medusa - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Medusa herself is a symbol of feminism and divine femininity. Perseus then decapitated her and took her head to use it as a weapon in battle. Do what feels right to you! Its no surprise, then, that the Ancient Greeks had several important mythological explanations for the origin of a number of different plants and flowers! Herodotus found some evidence that she appeared in Berber mythology where she was a major part of their religion. The two had three daughters, including Euryale and Stheno. From the blood that spurted from her neck sprang Chrysaor and Pegasus, her two sons by Poseidon. The Gorgon came out in 1964 and was a Hammer film that told a modern version of her story. After all, Medusa took a vow of celibacy she never wanted to be touched in the first place. Thank you for sharing the Gorgons are called on in Jason Millers Sorcery of Hekate course too I have a Medusa pendant which I charge for protection on the 29th day of the month in the lunar calendar, traditionally protector deity day in Tibetan Buddhism which I have been practicing since the mid 90s, always seems good to have an extra layer of protection I mentally hear them hissing when visualising them whilst Im reciting invocations the pendant feels hot whilst doing so nice to have gorgon bodyguards in my astral field who get recharged every 4 weeks or so. In an alternate story of Medusa, was the curse from Athena really a curse? Dohalice, which is a small village in the Czech Republic also uses her head in its coat of arms. Around the 6th century we start to see Her iconography become a mix of the grotesque, large eyed, hideous monster that makes up most of Greek Gorgon imagery. There are various versions of the story, but depending on which one you pick up, either Medusa seduced Poseidon or he was smitten with her and took her. The men who saw Medusa were so terrified of her beauty that it left them mute and unable to speak. Sea sponge that has been cut flat so it may rest at the bottom of the vessel, A fireplace match, lighter, or other implement that can hold fire and reach the bottom of the vessel, Snake shed (add based on your availability), 1 tsp elderberry that has been boiled in spring water. Hera and Athenas vengeance for this slight led directly to the Trojan War. This specific symbola isnt something I necessarily require in my idols for Medusa, as I also like Her to look beautiful and proud, but it can serve a purpose to add another level of threat when it comes to repelling enemies and negativity. There are several stories regarding Medusa. Johnston claimed that it showed men were still frightened of powerful women. If youre just getting going working with the Goddess Medusa, start small. The mortal woman who became the Gorgon, Medusa, was cursed by Athena after being raped or seduced on the floor of one of Athenas temples by Poseidon. Pindar wrote in 490 BC that she had fair cheeks. Youve been encountering statues and paintings of Medusa in your daily travels or receiving them as gifts. Hail and welcome!, Take the vessel and fumigate it in the incense three times. Take the Evil Eye charm and fumigate it in the incense. Offer Her spring flowers separate from those you used to asperge the idol as well as more incense, and sweet red church wine. His lover, a Satyr who was named Ampelos, was slain by a wild bull. At the time of her death, no one knew that the creature was with child, one she hoped to raise with Poseidon. Adamantine Guardian, enthroned in every kingdom, most powerful sorceress Who can destroy all curses, Whom none can conquer, not even Death, by which You gained Your divinity. Aphrodite took pity on her and turned her into the myrrh tree, in which form she gave birth to Adonis. Botanics have always held the interest of those interested in nature and the creation of life. A tepidarium from the Roman era has a mosaic floor with her head at the center. Medusa comes to those who are in need, so she doesnt expect a totally decked-out altar from her followers. Cherry quartz (a redder version of rose quartz) and clear These blood-red perennial spring flowers are named for anemos, the wind, which carries their seed. Oftentimes when we see this version of the myth recounted Minerva is replaced with Athena, and Neptune with Poseidon. Click to enlarge image (s) Medusa Single homeopathic remedy indicated for symptom of Rash. Leucothoe was the daughter of Orchamus, King of Persia, and the lover of Helios, the personification of the sun. She is also a goddess of femininity, fertility, and menstruation. If youre considering working with the Goddess Medusa then you probably want to know whether or not shes real. The blood from her head slowly found its way to the Red Sea where it formed the basis of the red coral seen there today. Dedicate altar space to Medusa. Mimse gave Demeter a barley drink to sate herself. Next add a layer of the basement or cave dirt, then rue, followed by a bed of parsley leaves, and place the sea sponge over this. The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao came out the same year and told the traditional story of Medusa. Zeus intervened before it could turn into too much of a fight, and they were sent the human, Paris. Her creation was so powerful She adorned Her breastplate with these snakes to frighten enemies. She wears snake jewellery and a chiffon fishtail skirt. Her hair forms long curls that, according to Mattel, foretell the serpents that will become her hair. Moon (many, including Orpheus disciples, have seen Medusas face in the moon) The following list is not even nearly a complete summary of all the exciting and vital plants and flowers from Greek myth. Let the cut end dry for a few days to develop a callus before planting. Widen Your frightening eyes, flashing with fire, and look upon (enemys NN) so he/she/they may be destroyed! Hermes was distraught and reunited Crocus and Smilax by turning Crocus into a flower. The portrait was done on a convex board made out of poplar with Medusas visage, bringing out its reference to Aegis. How can you change the world around you so that women can be better protected from tragedies like these? He then returned to the goddess Athena with Medusas head, which she mounted to her shield so that any foes she encountered on the battlefield would then be turned to stone. Gorgons are described as winged serpentine creatures. Maybe you feel somewhat controlled by others or even just stuck in a role that you no longer want. This leads us to our final point: Perseus wasnt supposed to survive his encounter with Medusa. During the 20th century, many looked at the tale of Medusa and how it relates to feminism. If you are handling it with your hands, wear gloves. In my mind, Medusa is very real. There are a number of herbs associated with matters related to money. It came out in 2013 as part of a limited edition series.-Many people use an image of her head because they believe it will protect them from others. Athena gave Perseus a shield with mirrors to deflect Medusas gaze, while Hades helped him remain invisible to her. Hail Immortal Medusa! Both Aeschylus and Hesiod mention Medusa in some of their early stories. Apollo chased her around the world until Daphne begged her river-god father for help, and he changed her into the laurel tree. In my experience, Medusa doesnt care too much about the social or political climates. One of her works said that similar stories focused on sister trios and that authors likely added Medusas sisters. You can also simply put I protect this house or this building or so on. Lastly, the meaning of Medusa helps us through difficult transformations. Just having a small amount of space to dedicate to an altar is a great way to start working with the gorgon. He was found amongst a bed of violets, for which he was named. They claim that she spent most of her life in Sarpedon, which was close to Cisthene with her Gorgon sisters and also died there. During the height of the #metoo movement, many women began using images of Medusa. It was said that anyone who looked directly at her was immediately turned to stone. Hear me, Gorgon Queen, come to me as I come to you, kindly and in good form. Some believe that she was a beautiful sea spirit who was transformed by Athena into a creature with snakes for hair that turned anyone that looked at her into stone. I created this oil to honor Medusa and the feminine strength that she symbolizes. Because of this, some may argue that Athena didnt know what she was doing in giving away that shield. The Goddess Medusa loves to help her children find their own ways of breaking free! Orchamus discovered Leucothoes relationship and burned her to death in retaliation for her lost honor. A Roman cameo from the second or third century contains her head. He was chained to a rock and his liver was repeatedly eaten by an eagle and then healed in an endless cycle. This idea first appeared in a journal in 1978. As you fumigate Her image say an invocation, facing West:I call to You, Guardians of the Gates of the West, Realm of the Setting Sun, open the way to the Land of Night! Narcissus eventually wasted away, unable to leave the pond, and became the flower. Aphrodite caused Myrrha to fall in love with her own father. It is often cited as a story where Medusa is unjustly punished as the victim of rape. Also known as Phorkys, he lay with his sister Ceto. Serpents, panthers and bulls are sacred animals of Dionysus while ivies, grapevines and bindweeds are his sacred plants. If you happen to find yourself on the wrong side of someone in Medusas favor, then youll want to make sure youre well-protected for the vengeance that is to come. When using an idol or agalma for Medusa I like to see at least a few of the snakes turned toward the viewer, hissing threateningly, although this isnt a deal breaker. Medusa is an aroma hop that is typically used in only late boil additions, including dry hopping. Sacred Plants: Corn. You can then gently wipe down the statue with soft linen cloth. She is not only immortalized in stories but also in history. 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