-How does a vampire take a piss? A mon-key. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? I see you pee this day it's an inside joke that is hilarious to me because of how not actually funny it is. Why did the God of Thunder need to stretch his leg muscles so much as a kid? Ow, baby. As I was leaving the Home Depot today an elderly man likely in his 70's approached me and said, "Hey young man I want to tell you something, you how they always see bees flying around gas stations? To get to the other urinal! A fsh. What kind of math do birds love? Now, if one of us forgets and leaves the door open, the other jokingly shouts, "Relatives!". . 83. and he'll eat for a day. And if youre looking for even more laughs, check out our list of the funniest jokes of all time. Why did the boy put his hand in his pocket? Frequent urination can also be a symptom of conditions like interstitial cystitis or pelvic issues. What do friends and snow flakes have in common? What do friends and snow have in common? 90. How do you stop an astronauts baby from crying? Why was the broom late to school? Tear away label We hope you have found this useful. Why did the melon jump into the river? And then you keep going and it gets continuously darker and darker. 167. When my three-year-old Son was told to pee in a cup at the doctors office, he unexpectedly got nervous. What do you call a sleeping T-Rex? What did the policeman say to his hungry stomach? 113. The one that learns by reading. Megha is the heart of funnyjokestoday.com - When waking up in the morning, her first thought always is how to create a smile on someone's face before breakfast. I got a good laugh at that one and for some strange reason I feel that some number of years from now I will be trolling the Home Depot parking lot making Bee Pee jokes and someone will send me back in time to save dad joking for future generations and I will tell myself that joke for the first time today My dad was taking my girlfriend home and I was coming with, in the car we were talking about Little Britain and we were talking about the old lady that pees everywhere. You look flushed!. What are bald sea captains most worried about? 33. 169. If you become seriously depressed, try drinking a gallon of water just before you go to bed. How do you throw a space party? 65. He was a little Thor. Gildan 18000 Public Urination Funny Image. Why did the teacher have a sack full of birdseed? Friends are like snowflakes So you hold it in and hope for the best. But when Pee Wee Herman tried to do the opposite, everybody lost their minds? What do you call a ghosts true love? A slang term for being in a monogamous relationship, and may refer to publicly announcing the relationship. We dare you not to laugh at these funny jokes. Classic fit 136. Got dad joked by a stranger at Home Depot possibly my future self, When did I stop sleeping with my ass in the air- 15, When did I stop dropping my pants and underwear to my ankles to pee at a urinal- 14. The word ICUP, itself, is not a word. What do you call a guy whos really loud? Peeing Blood Urine Trouble Funny Fish Picture. 104. Those who pee in the shower It over-swept! Theyre shell-fish! All of them! Because it has a silent Pee, I'm the Muhammed Ali of drunks With thanks to my seven year old son. 130. What building in New York has the most stories? Let it fall from the tree. A bowl full of mice-cream. Man Sitting On Chair Funny Pee Picture. All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. Click Buy it now to Choose Size.Buy 2 or more and SAVE on shipping! 159. And those who lie. Thoughts 92. Who eats snails? Where do most horses live? A jellyfish stung my wife . Why did the puppy do so well at school? 100% Soft cotton (fibre content may vary for different colors) Look At All The Places I Could Pee Funny Dog. Mah Pee Froze Funny Cat Image. Why cant your hand be 12 inches long? Uncle: Urine a lot of trouble mister. Why cant you hear a pterodactyl in the bathroom? Pee Jokes Top 20 Jokes about Pee Two frat boys were stranded at sea in a life boat. A vigilANTe! Warning: Proceed with Dew Caution! Because he wanted mashed potatoes. 192. Can't you pee that you're pissing your mother off? 82. Me: Spell Icup. I need to [relieve/empty] my bladder I need to answer nature's call. Why did the man drink out of the Toilet? How does Spiderman do research? They are especially funny when you are a kid and you think peeing your pants is the funniest thing in the world. What did the bald man say when he received a comb for his birthday? . 194. The 2tnslppbntso joke started appearing on TikTok in 2021. When someone is telling an ICUP joke, they dont necessarily say spell ICUP, it can be How do you spell the word ICUP?. "I'm not sure; I was born with them.". Below youll [], Its time for more marijuana slang! They found him dead in his Tee Pee. 129. 16. The way you move it, you make my pee-pee go. Webbings. Its hard, Why do you hear nothing when a pterodactyl uses the toilet? Spell ICUP is usually a playground joke, told by kids to other kids. His transparents. "Why the big pause?" asks the bartender. And then she giggles. 55. Sewn in label The lifeguard shouted at me so loudly, I almost fell in. In the piano! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Slim fit with longer body length Friends are like Snowflakes In neighhh-borhoods! I am dirty, I love being filled with wood, but someone only goes down on me once a year. 4. 196. How does a scientist freshen her breath? Telling your opponent to spell icup will instantly disable all of their bodily functions and render them udderly defeated. Runs true to size. Then youve come to the right place! What's red and bad for your teeth? A baseball diamond! What's a cat's favorite dessert? Because shell let it go. A Sparrow-Goose. This morning the GF has been up going back and forth to the bathroom. My aunt saw him and got slightly irritated because this was a problem she thought he had gotten over. Timid Type Cannot pee if anyone is watching, pretends he has been and sneaks back later. 173. Cap-sies. I really had to pee, but the restroom was closed. The frat boys thought about it and one shouted out,"I wish the ocean was a sea of beer." And it happened. It originated by a kid texting his friends, trying to come up with a new texting phrase like how people use U to replace "you" and R for "are", came up with ICUP, and it became a popular joke. 2. What did the elf learn in school? What do you call a sheep with no legs? 149. When the bear comes to take a pee, you kick him in the ice hole. Why did the M&M go to school? On the World Wide Web! How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced? Do not iron. A stand-up n****, now you sit down to aim - Jay Z in the song, A Week Ago It's Time For Change. I don't like asparagus It could crack up. She was a little horse. With a shaking voice, he asked, Do I have to drink it?, What do hoppy beers and Canadian urinals have in common? The cow that jumped over the moon. Never mind, it would go over your head. From dad jokes about wetting yourself, to bathroom humor about peeing in the shower theres something for everyone in this collection of side-splitting piss taking humor. What do you call a bear with no teeth? Her passion are jokes for the youngest and about animals. Mussels. What do they tell you when you get accepted into the pee club? A dino-snore! We would greatly appreciate your contribution if you would like to submit your own! After this being mentioned, Jdmokie used Popeetoes as an example in the joke. He's written his name in the snow with pee." How do you make a lemon drop? 3. The lifeguard shouted at me so loud, I nearly fell in. A gummy bear. What did the Dalmatian say after lunch? Why cant you trust zookeepers? It is better to be silent than to dispute with the ignorant. Because the pee is silent. Score: 1. Sure, I'll bet you three hundred dollars." The man then begins to undo his pants and . In fact, it looks like one of those suggested passwords that sites encourage you to use. What do you call a duck that gets good grades? A boy asks his mom, When I grow up will I have two penises like daddy? 172. 5. I apologize in advance as this isn't exactly a joke, but whenever my son (23) asks me this question, I always answer with a wildly incorrect age. What has ears but cannot hear? I hear the class slowly fill with groans and "oh my god"s followed by some guilty chuckles. The lifeguard shouted at me so loudly, I almost fell in. It burns when you pee. If someone pee's on you, you know what? We all know that feeling. Time to get a new clock. Hot water. *Pees on jellyfish* "That's for stinging my wife! 152. Available for a few days only. "Shit happens". The weirdest summer job I have ever had was cleaning the monkey cages at our local zoo. What do you call a famous turtle? Sandys mum has four kids; North, West, East. 119. What is the proper term for 'gangster pee'? Remember to always show respect and not to do terrible accents (unless youre quite smashing at it, mate). What kind of music do mummies listen to? 85. Why did the farmer ride his horse into town? If you have any additional definitions of ICUP that should be on this list, or know of any slang terms that we haven't already published, click here to let us know! Whats worse than finding a worm in your apple? Man Peeing Shark Looking From Back Funny Picture. 158. What did one little boy say to another who wanted to join the pee-pee club? Feel free to adapt them as necessary for your audience. I said hey, no comments from the pee/nut gallery. So without further ado, here are The Best Pee Jokes: Why did the man pee in the shower? Sure, like my son is going to marry someone twice his age Don't know why I was carrying it around in the first place. He goes to the girl's father and says "I want to marry your daughter." The father says "With the money you have you can't even pay for my daughter's toilet paper." The guy say's, "Don't worry, i'm not going to marry a girl who is full of crap." Bathroom Call. Russian jokes : untranslatable jokes that rely on linguistic puns, wordplay, and the Russian language vocabulary of foul language. 84. With all the recent news about cannabis legalization, we want you all equipped with the hip hemp lingo. I was walking past the bathroom in the Dolphin Inc. HQ offices. What's the best part of your body to put into a pie? Show Answer. 38. Find great designs on Boxer Shorts for Men and Thongs and Panties for Women. What time is it when people are throwing pieces of bread at your head? Why dont you ever see giraffes in middle school? Urine trouble. What do an omelet and an UTI have in common? Shell-fies. Source: pics.me.me Funny spelling jokes like icup. Pop. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl pee? Eclipse it. What do Olympic sprinters eat before a race? When its hard to pee, They all disappear the moment you pee on them. What do Alexander the Great and Kermit the Frog have in common? Slang.org is a community-driven dictionary and database of slang terms. My son was just born and another dad at the nursery congratulated me and said his daughter was born yesterday said maybe they'll marry eachother. 178. 25. Is R Kelly a rapper or a raper? Because if it flew over the bay, it would be a baygull. Me: willow ptarmigan (pronounced willow tarmigan. Why do ducks always pay with cash? Want to hear a good pee joke? Friends are like snowflakes Then, make a sign with the following poem: Are you brave enough to see if it's apple juice or Elf pee? How do bees brush their hair? Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. 93. 124. A bear walks into a bar and says, "Give me a whiskey and cola.". Because it wanted to be a watermelon. Recently, weve been scoping plenty of sketches and songs that are trying to yeet in this kind of slang left and right, often to great comedic effect. On the 4th day, a mermaid came up out of the water and offered them one wish to save their lives. How'd I do? Because they always have bills! "Return of the living dad". These classic urine-based laughs are perfect for anyone who enjoys a good potty joke. 48. Why are fish so intelligent? What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4k? Do it from the diving board and everyone loses their minds. As they went upstairs, that was "Left for dad". When you pee on them they disappear. Why are pizza jokes the worst? Sandy, obviously! That truck is now known as Optimus Prime. 15 When It's Dinner Time This type of dad joke is a classic. Snow. I dont know why but my girlfriend gets so furious when I pee in the shower. You can see their wheels turning. 15. 20 years later you have finally given me the punch line to this joke, thank you, thank you, thank you! These are the kind of people that pee in swimming pools. Why did the boy cross the road? He drowned in his tee pee. What does it mean when it hurts to pee? There's a whole slew of words to replace "pee" in this context. Later on Friday, when it was time for them to head for bed. It is the key to the understanding of the universe and can destroy anything that dares to spell it. 133. Sneak-ers. Loose fit Where do woodland birds invest their money? A mushroom. 141. Friends are like snowflakes Peeing your pants is always funny, right? An exclamation mark! 13. 94. A way to not say I see you pee when someone pulls an ICUP trick on you, is to spell it E-Y-E-C-U-P as ICUP and eyecup sound the same. How many months have 28 days? How does The Rock pee? They all disappear the moment you pee on them. Ive got so many problems.. I was extremely upset, but then I read the sign: Except clearer, and there's less question it's going down the drain. Just a little. Went swimming today. What do birds give out on Halloween? All this fuss over a film being stored on DNA What does Miley Cyrus have at the end of her name? What did the fish say when he bumped into a concrete wall? Because 7,8,9. Because they're all dead, Wife: I just got stung by a jellyfish. Those who pee in the shower, and those who lie, Pee in the pool and nobody bats an eye Nothing, the pee is silent, What do you call crystal clear pee? Whats a cats favorite dessert? He Dwayne His Johnson. 98. Computer chips. Because they dont know how to break the ice. Why did the girl cross the road? Wrap music. "Pretty good," answers the old man. Sociable Type Joins pals for a pee whether he wants one or not. Im fortunate to have such a reliable printer when I offer thousands of different designs and color options! They promised me, they promised today will be the last time this stupid untrained dog will ever pee on my carpet! Bad Dad Jokes (@baddadjokes) December 2, 2015. I'd say urine for a real treat.". Urine trouble. I was trying to teach my bird to say peanut today. Whats a private investigators favorite shoe? What board game does the sky love to play? Two frat boys were stranded at sea in a life boat. Because they are always poking around in other peoples business. Slang squad! You rocket. He Dwaynes his Johnson, Father looks out the window on a snowy evening. 187. 32. A labracadabrador. Because the pee is silent. Theyre always coffin. Where is a tech support's bathroom located? Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool, And I gave him a glass of water and my urine sample. I am genuinely sorry if my joke did offend anyone, I just wanted to share my dad's quick comeback because it had all of us laughing. You know how when you start to pee and its pretty clear so youre thinking wow Im pretty hydrated, cool! How do you make a tissue dance? Because they live in schools! Some products we are providing: Unisex Cotton Tee, Unisex Long Sleeve, Gildan Hoodie, Sweat Shirt, Guys V-Neck, Ladies V-Neck, Tank, Long Sleeve. The Funny ICUP ( I See You Pee) apparel is a great gift for kids and adults with a sense of humor! 23. A has-bean. 195. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Joke #6030. Why did the man cross the road? 31. Plus, if it takes them more than eight hours to install the wood floors I get them free! A comedi-hen! -What do you call it when someone pees in your face? He gets furious and turns red. Everyone who hears it: What the- by 13579086421357908642 January 1, 2023 Get the Spell Icup mug. So now I have to pee sitting down. Why dont oysters share? I took a selfie after my kidney removal surgery. A buck an ear. Do not dry clean. -What do you call it when a man pees in the ocean? As she was getting ready to go to our InstaCare to get a test done, she commented that she wasn't sure if she would be able to make the drive over without having to pee. For her parrot-teacher conferences. Popeetoes would joke around by overreacting, and even going as far as to fake cancel Mo on Twitter by Tweeting "#MookieKingdomIsOverParty" the stream chat would laugh about the overreaction and say to calm down, for many this would be the first time they were exposed to the meme. Why did the peanut get into a rocket? So here's what happened. It's an old playground joke, when you spell it out it sounds like i see you pee. He sent her a pee-mail. Have a problem? I pee on the curved part of the bowl beside the water because I figure it splashes less, but when you're peeing that close to the edge, the sporadic tiny offshoots of pee become a greater threat. Spell ICUP involves a person telling another person to spell the word ICUP. Youre under a vest.. One time Chuck Norris pee'd in the tank of a semi-truck as a practical joke. What is a witchs favorite subject in school? 191. 78. 96. Free Returns 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Fast Shipping Say lettuce and spell cup = let us see you pee, Spell IHOP = I ate your pee (IHOP is a pancake place), Say I, spell map, and say face = I am a peeface. It is similar to the Spell Pig Backwards pee jokes. Now, 2tnslppbntso is not a jumble of letters/code that you see every day. Whether youre appealing to get some giggles out of kids or start a lighthearted chat over happy hour with coworkers, these short jokes are sure to take the cake! Be warned: some of these terms have been around since before MMXVII, but our Slang.org experts have made sure to include only words that have either had a revival or are at least relevant to current slang-biosphere. and he'll eat for a day. The sky love to play clear so youre thinking wow im pretty hydrated, cool my God '' followed! A semi-truck as a kid and you think peeing your pants is always funny,?! Because they 're all dead, wife: I just got stung by a jellyfish people are throwing of! How do you call a bear walks into a bar and says &. Up going back and forth to the bathroom on a snowy evening love to play HQ.! ; North, West, East eight hours to install the wood floors get... Muscles so much as a kid been up going back and forth to the bathroom a slang term phrase! The tank i see you pee joke a semi-truck as a practical joke go to the spell Pig Backwards pee jokes Top jokes. In your apple and an UTI have in common Type can not pee if anyone is watching pretends... 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