nq_session variables in obiee

nq_session variables in obiee

See "About Row-Wise Initialization" for more information. User A was able to login to OBIEE presentation and see assigned product ID's being filtered in the report. However, it will still work with other data sources because the SQL statement is processed by the Oracle BI Server. I am confused on how to use the non-system session variable in Answers, says, in column formula, in a filter and in title view. Note: The Allow deferred execution option is unavailable in some circumstances. Relational Modeling Specifies the Catalog groups (Presentation Services groups) to which the user belongs, if any. Time Contains the time zone of the user, typically populated from the LDAP profile of the user. You can also use the row-wise initialization option to initialize a variable with a list of values. Without using dynamic repository variables, you would describe the content of the source containing recent data with an expression such as: This content statement becomes invalid as new data is added to the recent source and older data is moved to the historical source. For example, using the table values in the previous example, you would type the following SQL statement for the initialization string: This SQL statement populates the variable LIST_OF_USERS with a list, separated by colons, of the values JOHN and JANE (for example, JOHN:JANE). Unlike dynamic repository variables, however, the initialization of session variables is not scheduled. If you select Database as the data source type, and select the Use OBI EE Server option. Contains the locale of the user, typically populated from the LDAP profile of the user. Monitoring The order of the columns in the SQL statement and order of the variables associated with the initialization block determine the column value that is assigned to each variable. Example message: "The execution of init block 'A_blk' cannot be deferred as it is used by session variable 'PROXY'.". Not the answer you're looking for? If you select this option, the initialization block is disabled. In the Application Role dialog, click Permissions. You can then use the SQL IN operator to test for values in a specified list. You could then set a security filter for all members of a group that would allow them to view only data pertinent to their region. When you use these variables for Oracle BI Presentation Services, preface their names with NQ_SESSION. The format for the session variable names must be: where the separator must be exactly four underscore characters. WHERE upper(SALESREP) = upper('valueof(NQ_SESSION.USER)'). When a user belongs to multiple roles, include the role names in the same column, separated by semicolons (for example, RoleA;RoleB;RoleC). Learn about session variables and how to create them. Relational Modeling The Oracle BI Server can also provide functions (such as PI) that might not be available in the data source, and the SQL statement will work with other data sources supported by the Oracle BI Server (for example, ADF, SQL Server, Oracle, and XML files). Right now I have @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.TestVar1'] * biServer.variables[NQ_SESSION.TestVar3']} as the default value for a variable prompt. OBIEE offer several variables which can be set : variables from the OBIEE Server known as session and repository variables. The first case is where a session variable has a numeric value. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. To test initialization blocks (optional): In the Variable Manager dialog, double-click the initialization block. These multi-source session variables can be used in logical queries or in repository data filters, and contain the union of values from the different data sources. You do not need to set up the PASSWORD variable, and you can use this variable in a database connection pool to allow passthrough login using the user ID and password of the user. was shown. In the Variable Manager dialog, select Action > New > Session > Variable. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. You initialize dynamic repository variables in the same way as static variables, but the values are refreshed by data returned from queries. Security Sensitive. Color Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? This chapter describes how to use variables in the Oracle BI repository to streamline administrative tasks and dynamically modify metadata content to adjust to a changing data environment. Kurt Wolff, For example, you have You can also right-click an existing initialization block in the Variable Manager and choose Disable or Enable. In online mode, Initialization Block tests do not work with connection pools set to use :USER and :PASSWORD as the user name and password. It's meant to be a constant value. But when User B logs in he sees below error , when running the same report, [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.PRODUCT, has no value definition. The following list summarizes the scenarios in which execution of session variable initialization blocks cannot be deferred: The Row-wise initialization option is selected in the Session Variable Initialization Block Variable Target dialog and the variables have not been declared explicitly with default values. Required for authentication. Function If you want the query for an initialization block to have database-specific SQL, you can select a database type for that query. The user can alter some elements of the user interface by picking a style when logged on to Oracle BI Presentation Services. Network For example, here are dates as set by the default values in the prompt. It's why you can't see in the session manager a new value for the session. When you select the Use OBI EE Server option, there is no need for a connection pool, because the SQL statement is sent to the Oracle BI Server and not directly to the underlying database. Another suggested use for dynamic repository values is in WHERE clause filters of logical table sources, defined on the Content tab of the Logical Table Source dialog. To use a repository variable in an expression, select it and double-click. The SQL statement must reference physical tables that can be accessed using the connection pool specified in the Connection Pool field in the Initialization Block dialog. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for more information about the PROXY system session variable. When using external table authentication with Delivers, the portion of the SQL statement that makes up the :PASSWORD constraint must be embedded between NQS_PASSWORD_CLAUSE clauses. You can use a variable to specify the names of catalog and schema objects. To remove a variable from association with this block, select the variable and click Remove. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. If you selected LDAP Server for your data source type, perform the following steps: Click Browse to select an existing LDAP Server, or click New to open the General tab of the LDAP Server dialog and create an LDAP Server. Operating System Data Type The names of system session variables are reserved and cannot be used for other types of variables. As with dynamic repository variables, session variables obtain their values from initialization blocks. Process The value of LOGLEVEL, a number between 0 and 5, determines the logging level that the Oracle BI Server uses for user queries. Is there any way to do this? In the [Repository|Session] Variable Initialization Block Data Source dialog, click Test. Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server subrequest cache hits and seeding. Users can select a language on the sign-in page for Oracle BI EE, or they can change the language setting on the Preferences tab of the My Account dialog after signing in. The approach Ive used, which is not ideal but has worked for me, is to hedge your bets in the Select statements. Server Presentation Service Installed On Two Machines. Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server result cache hits. Could anyone please advise? Dimensional Modeling Shipping The next step is to select the data source and connection pool. (The NQ_SYSTEM initialization block name is reserved.). In the Variable dialog, type a name for the variable. In the Administration Tool, select Manage, then select Variables. The Variable Manager dialog has two panes. Browser [emailprotected] Discrete In the [Repository|Session] Variable Initialization Block Execution Precedence dialog, click Add. OBIEE - Where can I use a BI Server variable (session/repository) ? 1. Text One source contains recent orders and the other source contains historical data. In the following example, the session variable RETAILERID has been assigned a numeric value. Logical Data Modeling When a user belongs to multiple roles, include the role names in the same column, separated by semicolons,for example, RoleA;RoleB;RoleC. For example, if a folder were called sk_companyx, the SKIN variable would be set to companyx. You can edit Repository initialization blocks, or Session initialization blocks. To accurately reflect the new content of the recent source, you would have to modify the fragmentation content description manually. Sharing Oracle BI Presentation Services cache entries is a way to minimize unnecessary communication with the Oracle BI Presentation Services. For information about using session variables when setting up security, see "Managing Session Variables" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. Then, enter its associated string. When you use these variables for Oracle BI Server, preface their names with NQ_SESSION. The Required for authentication option is selected in the Session Variable Initialization Block dialog. (Repository initialization blocks only) In the Schedule area, select a start date and time and the refresh interval. This section contains the following topics: System session variables are used by the Oracle BI Server and Oracle BI PresentationServices use for specific purposes. For example, the format of a date report variable can vary, depending on whether the user has changed the default value set by a dashboard calendar prompt. variables is good where variable is bad. In Expression Builder, click the Repository Variables folder in the left pane to display all repository variables (both static and dynamic) in the middle pane by name. Determines if the initialization blocks required for authentication are executed. The Required for authentication option is dimmed, because this type of initialization block is executed after authentication. The syntax is: WHERE COMPANYID=ValueOf (NQ_SESSION.RETAILERID) The second case is where a session variable needs to be evaluated as a string. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. In other words, if you change the SQL Server back-end database to Oracle, the query will still work. Collection Testing Each query can refresh several variables: one variable for each column in the query. Contains the global unique identifiers (GUIDs) for the application roles to which the user belongs. In this case, enclose the ValueOf function (including the name of the session variable) in single quotes. Testing You can use the Variable Manager in the Administration Tool to define variables. Data Processing Use the Initialization Block list to select an initialization block that will be used to refresh the value on a continuing basis. It identifies the default dashboard the user sees when logging in (the user can override this preference after logged on). About Using Initialization Blocks with Variables, Associating Variables with Initialization Blocks, When Execution of Session Variable Initialization Blocks Cannot Be Deferred, Enabling and Disabling Initialization Blocks. The following example illustrates how to create and use a multi-source session variable: In the Variable Manager in the Administration Tool, select Action > New > Session > Initialization Block. Data Type Execution of session variable initialization blocks cannot be deferred in some circumstances. Don't forget the quotes which enclose the Variable Name. This tells Oracle BI Presentation Services that these users have identical content filters and security in the Oracle BI Presentation Services. The LDAP server name and the associated domain identifier appear in the Name and Domain identifier columns. SQL -SELECT DISTINCT 'PRODUCT', product_id FROM BI_SECURITY WHERE UPPER(USER_ID) = UPPER(':USER'), Data filter condition is set on the Fact & Dimension tables in the application role. Infra As Code, Web Ratio, Code Values can still be added to the multi-source session variable from other component initialization blocks that succeed in returning values. This system session variable overrides a variable defined in the Users object in the Administration Tool. System session variables have reserved names that cannot be used for other kinds of variables (such as static or dynamic repository variables and nonsystem session variables). You can find an example of a dynamic essbase connection pool in this post of christian berg: In the bookshel Version, it's written that Only repository variables can be used in the definition. When a user belongs to multiple groups, include the group names in the same column, separated by semicolons (for example, GroupA;GroupB;GroupC). Trigonometry, Modeling You can change this behavior so that the first connection pool is available for selection by selecting Allow first Connection Pool for Init Blocks in the Options dialog, although this is not recommended. Key/Value Note that the recommended practice is to use application roles rather than Catalog groups. You can find the nqquery.log file in: For more information about user-level logging, see "Managing the Query Log" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. Enable any user to set the value. You can use the Variable Manager in the Administration Tool to enable and disable initialization blocks. In one of my report columns I need to get value of session variables like VALUEOF (NQ_SESSION.COLUMN1). In the [Repository|Session] Variable Initialization Block dialog, type a name for the block. Data Quality It is also saved as the author field for catalog objects. You use the same procedure to define nonsystem session variables as for system session variables. Any legal SQL can be executed using an initialization block, including SQL that writes to the database or alters database structures, assuming the database permits the user ID associated with the connection pool to perform these actions. This variable has a possible value of 0 or 1. For Oracle, you could write: trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+1 CurrentSunday, , trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+2 CurrentMonday, , trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate, 'D')+7 CurrentSaturday, , trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+8 NextSunday, , trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D') PreviousSaturday, , trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+2-8 PreviousSunday, , trunc(sysdate) - to_char(sysdate,'D')+2-7 PreviousMonday, , cast(to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'YYYY') as INT) CurrentYear, , Cast(to_char(trunc(sysdate), 'YYYY')-1 as INT) PreviousYear, , add_months(trunc(last_day(sysdate)),-1) + 1 CurrentMonthFirstDay, , last_day(trunc(sysdate)) CurrentMonthLastDay, , add_months(TRUNC(last_day(sysdate)),-2) + 1 PreviousMonthFirstDay, , case when last_day(SYSDATE) = SYSDATE then TRUNC(SYSDATE) else add_months(TRUNC(last_day(sysdate)),-1) end LASTDAYCOMPLETEMONTH. Cube To enable or disable an initialization block: In the Administration Tool, select Manage, then select Variables. When a user begins a session, the Oracle BI Server creates new instances of session variables and initializes them. [emailprotected] If a user is authenticated successfully, session variables can be used to set filters and permissions for that session. The presentation service can also send this error : Try to use the same letter case for the name of the variable (upper and lower). See "Creating Initialization Blocks" for more information. Data Partition The repository variable, NQ_SESSION.MyYear, has no value definition. Css The initialization block is used to set your session variable to a dynamic value. See "Examples of Initialization Strings" for additional examples. For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable LOGLEVEL, set the filter to the variable NQ_SESSION.LOGLEVEL. Html However, the cached results might not contain the most current session variable values. Variables should be used as arguments of the function VALUEOF(). The syntax is: WHERE COMPANYID=ValueOf(NQ_SESSION.RETAILERID). Status, to include it in a where clause of the content tab of a logical table source, to create a dashboard prompt to set up this session variable, and to test it on a little answer with only the year as column, click on the node : Session/Variables/Non System, and create a session variable MyYear with for instance this default initialization string for the oracle database, Set Variable : Request Variable and the value MyYear, Server Presentation Service Installed On Two Machines. The table contains three columns: USERID, containing values that represent the unique identifiers of the users, NAME, containing values that represent session variable names, VALUE, containing values that represent session variable values. Operating System Number To use row-wise initialization, create an initialization block and select the Row-wise initialization option (refer to "Creating Initialization Blocks"). Contains the application roles to which the user belongs. Session variables that are not needed during the session do not have their initialization blocks executed. You can edit repository initialization blocks, or session initialization blocks. (HY000) SQL Issued: SET VARIABLE MYYEAR='1998';SELECT TIMES_VIEW.calendar_year saw_0 FROM Test ORDER BY saw_0 Try to use the same letter case for the name of the variable (upper and lower). If you select Database as the data source type: If you select Database as the data source type, and do not select the Use OBI EE Server option. You cannot use any other value or expression as the default initializer for a static repository variable. Click OK to return to the Initialization Block dialog. Sharing Oracle BI Presentation Services cache entries is a way to minimize unnecessary communication with the Oracle BI Server. I have tried using the Variable Expression option to set the default values in the prompts, but it only uses the values of the session variables, not the temporary values in the request variables. Cache hits would only occur on cache entries that included and matched all security-sensitive variables. Example message: "The execution of init block 'A_blk' cannot be deferred as it is using row-wise initialization.". Data Concurrency, Data Science The S of Server must be in uppercase. The Oracle BI Server logs all SQL queries issued to retrieve session variable information if the logging level is set to 2 or higher in the Identity Manager User object, or the LOGLEVEL system session variable is set to 2 or higher in the Variable Manager. Web Services Log, Measure Levels Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This kind of variable can be initiate with the help of SQL statement and ca ". In the Data Filters tab, create the data filter expression: Note that the Expression Builder, as shown in the image that follows, displays only the multi-source session variable MVCOUNTRY, and not the regular session variables that were used during the creation of the multi-source session variable. For repository variables, you can specify the day, date, and time for the start date, as well as a refresh interval. Dimensional Modeling This article show you with the help of the sh schema a little example. In addition, you can use Expression Builder to insert a constant as the default initializer, such as Date, Time, and TimeStamp. See "About Connection Pools for Initialization Blocks" for more information. Ratio, Code Names for all variables should be unique. Repository variables can be used instead of literals or constants in Expression Builder in the Administration Tool. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I try to display the variable by define it in column formula as VALUEOF (NQ_SESSION."ABC") but error message "The session variable, NQ_SESSION.ABC, has no value definition." was shown. An initialization block contains the SQL statement that will be executed to initialize or refresh the variables associated with that block. Trigonometry, Modeling "storenbr"), What am I missing? Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server plan cache seeding. If the SQL statement contains an error, the database returns an error message. You also set up a schedule that the Oracle BI Server will follow to execute the query and periodically refresh the value of the variable. Process OBIEE 11g - The session variable, NQ_SESSION.VARIABLE, has no value definition user11173172 Feb 20 2015 edited Feb 27 2015 Hello, I am seeing a strange issue when using SESSION variable in OBIEE 11g RPD for data level security. In the Set value for the variables dialog, verify the information is correct, and then click OK. When a user begins a session, the Oracle BI Server creates new instances of session variables and initializes them. It identifies the default dashboard the user sees when logging in (the user can override this preference after logged on). The number of associated variables can be different from the number of columns being retrieved. "SV_STORE_NBR"']}, @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.storenbr']}, @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION."storenbr"']}. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. When you use these variables for Oracle BI Presentation Services, preface their names with NQ_SESSION. Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server result cache seeding. Select a discussion category from the picklist. rev2023.3.1.43269. How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? If you select this option, execution of the initialization block is deferred until an associated session variable is accessed for the first time during the session. In the View Data from Table dialog, type the number of rows and the starting row for your query, and then click Query. Determines if the initialization blocks required for authentication are executed. Exists only for compatibility with previous releases. For example, you could define a nonsystem variable called SalesRegion that would be initialized to the name of the sales region of the user. You can also use this variable in a SQL statement. Selector Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way. Init block 'B_blk' does not have "Allowed deferred execution" flag set. Because of this, if your repository has been upgraded from a previous release, you may see warnings in the Consistency Checker similar to the following: If you see warnings similar to this, update the relevant static repository variables so that the default initializers have constant values. The SQL statement you use to refresh the variable might be written for a specific database. Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server plan cache seeding. See "About Connection Pools for Initialization Blocks" for more information. A common use of these variables is to set filters for use in Oracle BI Presentation Services. It is also saved as the author field for catalog objects. To assign a name and schedule to initialization blocks: In the Variable Manager dialog, from the Action menu, choose New > Repository (or Session) > Initialization Block. You should test the SQL statement outside of the Oracle BI Server, substituting valid values for the USER and PASSWORD variables. 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